Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 5 of No-Screen Sunday's

Well, I thought I would just do an update on the No-Screen Sunday's. If you ask my kids, the girls will say it is great, the boys might complain a bit. However, I have made some interesting observations. First, we play a lot of games which means a lot of laughing. Homework gets done early. We went on a country drive yesterday. Kyle tied some fishing flies, a hobby he has not "had time to do". Suddenly, there is time. We had a royal wrestling match with Kyle, Shelby, and Emily against Michael. Michael still is the king. A sweet 16 year old took a 4 1/2 hour much needed nap. The sweet 16 year old even admits that if he could have played video games he would not have slept. I think it is a great success and I look forward to Sunday's.


Steph said...

I'm impressed! Good job you guys.

Kellie said...

I am very impressed. You even avoided the TV on Super Bowl Sunday. good for you