Legacy for the Laurels in our Stake. It is an overnight training camp for the 16 year girls. It was the first time I had been to Legacy. It was wonderful and the food was outstanding. They fed us every two hours. Why does food taste better if you don't have to make it or clean it up? It was great for me to get to know the girls better.
Also, I just got back from girls camp. It went very well, I think. I could have definitely done some things differently, but for the most part we had a great time. My girls are amazing. I have learned to love them so much. It was also fun to be there with Shelby. Poor girl, I didn't get to spend much time with her.
Now I need some suggestions for some great summer books. I am the worst at going to the library and picking a book. Somehow, I always get smut or murder books. I don't want those. I have given up picking books by myself and always have to have a suggestion from someone. I just got through reading the Hunger Games and really enjoyed it. If anyone out there has any great suggestions, I would appreciate it!!